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The development of our COVID-19 nasal spray

Vaccination boosts have substantially reduced the risk of hospitalization and death, but outpatients at risk still require early treatment to avoid disease progression to hospitalization. Mim Pharma’s team took responsibility to act. We assembled a team of leading scientists, researchers, and medical experts to develop a medication that could help to fight the virus and save lives. We worked tirelessly to understand the underlying mechanisms of the virus and to identify potential targets for treatment. After months of research and testing, we finally succeeded in creating a breakthrough solution that could help to reduce the severity and duration of COVID-19 symptoms. But Mim Pharma’s team knew that developing a solution was just the first step. We needed to make sure that it was accessible to those who needed it most. So we work closely with governments, healthcare providers, and other partners to ensure that our medication is widely available and affordable, regardless of a person's location or financial situation. Thanks to our team’s efforts, countless lives have been saved and countless families have been spared the devastating effects of COVID-19. And MIM Pharma continues to innovate, always searching for new and better ways to fight this virus and protect the health and well-being of people around the world.

About our COVID-19 solution - SaliraVira®

The research and development of SaliraVira® were based on the “Systems Biology” approach. For the research and development of SaliraVira®, a dataset consisting of 737 articles and scientific reports and 768 corona antiviral compounds, and 48 natural ingredients was collected and processed. SaliraVira® contains a combination of medicinal plants with very effective properties to improve symptoms, reduce viral load, reduce the duration of treatment, prevent hospitalization, and prevent the death of COVID-19 patients. The ingredients have anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and immune-enhancing properties and improve symptoms. The available compounds make Saliravira® a potent drug with remarkable SARS-COV2 antiviral properties.

Mechanism Of Action

According to articles in prestigious scientific such as the Lancet, and Nature journals, coronavirus proteins can bind to 322 of 19566 human proteins. There are a total of 54 inhibitory compounds in SaliraVira®. These compounds can inhibit SARS-COV2 virus proteins from structural proteins (such as spike, viral envelope, and membrane proteins), nonstructural, replication, and transcription factors at the virus genome surface, as well as an important ACE2 receptor. Inhibition of coronavirus proteins by active ingredients in SaliraVira® can lead to the release of 226 human proteins. This amount of released human proteins is about 68% of the total number of human proteins involved with viral proteins. This ratio shows the desired effect of SaliraVira®. Also, the compounds in SaliraVira® have anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the inhibitory effects of SaliraVira® compounds that can release human proteins from viral proteins, the normal function of these proteins involves various signaling pathways such as the interferon pathway and NF-κB can be adjusted. These 14 symptoms are according to The World Health Organization Case Report Form (WHO-CRF) which measures the symptoms of Covid-19 hospitalized patients. The form is modified for Covid-19 outpatients. Therefore, 14 symptoms of the patients in the “treatment” and “control” groups were daily recorded over an 8-day period.

Results of symptoms improvement of Covid-19 patients

The study compared the effectiveness and significance of SaliraVira® and routine hospital drugs in treating Covid-19 patients. The patients were divided into "case" and "control" groups and improvements in 14 symptoms were monitored over an 8-day treatment period. The results showed that SaliraVira® was more effective than routine hospital drugs in improving 10 out of the 14 symptoms in the treatment group.

As shown in the above table, in the 4th day of treatment, with a probability of at least 95% (or p-value < 0.05) the improvement of 3 out of 14 symptoms of Covid-19 (i.e., joint-pain, muscle-aches, wheeze) in “case” group were significantly and efficaciously preferred to “control” group.
In the 6th day of treatment, with a probability of at least 90% (or p-value < 0.1) the improvement of 7 out of 14 symptoms of Covid-19 (i.e., sore-throat, headache, shortness-of-breath, decreased-smell, abdominal-pain, inability-to-walk, and rhinorrhea) in “case” group were significantly preferred to “control” group.
In the 7 and 8thday treatment, with a probability of at least 90% (or p-value < 0.1) the improvement of 4 out of 14 symptoms of Covid-19 (i.e., decreased-taste, fatigue, altered-consciousness-confusion, chest-pain) in “case” group were significantly preferred to “control” group.

Overall improvement in Covid-19 patients

List of hospital routine medicines: Remdesivir, Interferon beta 1-alpha, Sovodak, Dexamethasone, Azithromycin, Favipiravir,
Famotidine, Doxycycline, Naproxen, Vitamin C.

Viral load reduction of Covid-19 patients

Taking SaliraVira® significantly reduces the viral load of Covid-19 patients. For comparison, the expected rates of viral load reduction of the “treatment” and “control” groups are shown in Figure 1.
On the 4th day of treatment, the reduction in viral load was 27% and 10% for patients taking SaliraVira® and patients taking routine hospital drugs, respectively.
On the 8th day of treatment, the reduction of viral load in “the treatment and “control” groups were 60% and 40%, respectively. Consequently, taking SaliraVira® reduces the viral load by 50% more.

Research and development publication by Elsevier

Our anti-viral and immune-enhancing herbal remedy’s research for Covid-19 has been published in Elsevier, the world’s largest publisher of medical and scientific literature.

Efficacy of a multiple-indication antiviral herbal drug SaliraVira® for COVID-19 outpatients: A pre-clinical and randomized clinical trial study






Pre-Clinical Testing


Clinical Trials

SaliraVira® development process stage