Our Mission Is To help Humanity

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MIM Pharma
Technology & Process

How we do it

Medicinal plants have been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases and disorders. Many of the active compounds found in medicinal plants interact with human proteins, leading to beneficial health effects. Therefore, understanding the interactions between medicinal plants and human proteins is crucial for developing effective remedies. Our medicinal plant expertise and our innovative and insightful technology using computational tools and systems biology approach make us unique and at the forefront of our industry.

Identify a Prevalent Health Disorder or Disease

Our first step is to identify a prevalent health disorder or disease such as migraines, allergies, flu, or COVID-19.

Novel Natural Solutions by Systems Biology

We combine medicinal plants and medical sciences, systems science, and engineering to discover innovative natural solutions for common health conditions.

Data Collection

We collect diverse data related to the relevant health disorders or disease conditions, including genomic, proteomic, metabolic, clinical data, and information on plant properties and bioactive compounds. We source data from literature, public databases, and patient records, using AI to expedite data and knowledge provision for research and development.

Data Processing

We apply data processing and “data mining” techniques, including cleaning, clustering, classification, association, and visualization, to both medicinal plants and medical data. This enables us to extract valuable insights, evidence, and conclusions from vast amounts of information.

Interface Nature with Sciences

We integrate pharmacognosy with medical sciences and pharmacology to identify relevant bioactive compounds and their plant sources, analyzing their biological, chemical, biochemical, and physical properties.

Bioactivity of Effective Compounds

We select the most effective bioactive compounds and their producing plants to maximize efficacy

Novel Formulation by Systems Approach

We synthesize bioactive compounds and medicinal herbs to formulate medicinal solutions, supplements, and medical devices, utilizing interdisciplinary facilities and statistical and computational tools, such as multicriteria decision theory, fuzzy modeling, network, and matrix theory.

Extract Bioactive Compounds

We have developed a specific procedure to extract from the identified medicinal plants, the combined and single bioactive compounds with high purity.

Safety of Products

Safety is our top priority. We conduct animal studies to identify and eliminate potential risks, including acute and chronic toxicity tests, as well as genotoxicity and histologic toxicity studies.

Clinical Trial

We obtain ethics approval and permissions for human use and conduct clinical trials to assess the efficacy and safety of our products.

Quality Manufacturing

We produce our products in tablets, capsules, nasal sprays, inhalers, and other pharmaceutical forms using high-quality manufacturing processes- such as the CCG method for granulation and a novel extraction procedure.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance

By customizing solutions to maintain quality throughout the production cycle and enforcing good practices in manufacturing using advanced equipment and validated sampling techniques, our team is taking proactive steps to ensure that products meet the necessary standards set by regulatory bodies such as the EMA, FDA, and European Medical Device Regulations.

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